Cakephp Version: 4.3.5
I'm trying to construct an Or condition that uses an isNull expression in a custom finder.
In text I am trying to do this:
public function findMyTasks(Query $query, array $options): object
'Tasks.status' => $options['status'],
'Tasks.user_id' => $options['user_id'],
'OR' => [
['Tasks.contact_id' => null], // HERE IS THE CONDITION
['Contacts.status' => 1]
return $query;
If I wanted to use isNull in a condition without OR I would use the following:
->where(function (QueryExpression $exp, Query $q) {
return $exp->isNull('Tasks.contact_id');
I have tried various combinations by referencing the advanced condition page here but I cannot combine the expression with the condition without a syntax error.
How can I construct this finder that uses isNull with an OR condition.
Thanks, Zenzs.
As documented:
'OR' => [
['Tasks.contact_id IS' => null],
['Contacts.status' => 1]
Just a bit further down on that page: