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Is there a way to collapse ordered rows by terminal values with postgres window clause

I have a table foo:

some_fk some_field some_date_field
1 A 1990-01-01
1 B 1990-01-02
1 C 1990-03-01
1 X 1990-04-01
2 B 1990-01-01
2 B 1990-01-05
2 Z 1991-04-11
2 C 1992-01-01
2 B 1992-02-01
2 Y 1992-03-01
3 C 1990-01-01

some_field has 6 possible values: [A,B,C,X,Y,Z] Where [A,B,C] signify opening or continuation events and [X,Y,Z] signify closing events. How do I get each span of time between the first opening event and closing event of each span, partitioned by some_fk, as shown in the table below:

some_fk some_date_field_start some_date_field_end
1 1990-01-01 1990-04-01
2 1990-01-01 1991-04-11
2 1992-01-01 1992-03-01
3 1990-01-01 NULL

*Note that a non-terminated time span ends with NULL

I do have a solution that involves 3 common table expressions, but I'm wondering if there is a (better/more elegant/canonical) way to do this in PostgreSQL without nested queries.

My approach was something like:

WITH ranked AS (
    RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY some_fk ORDER BY some_date_field) AS "rank"
  FROM foo    
), openers AS (
  SELECT * FROM ranked WHERE some_field IN ('A','B','C')
), closers AS (
    LAG("rank") OVER (PARTITION BY some_fk ORDER BY "rank") AS rank_lag
  FROM ranked WHERE some_field IN ('X','Y','Z')
  FIRST_VALUE(openers.some_date_field) OVER (PARTITION BY some_fk ORDER BY "rank")
    AS some_date_field_start,
  closers.some_date_field AS some_date_field_end
FROM openers
JOIN closers
  ON openers.some_fk = closers.some_fk
WHERE openers.some_date_field BETWEEN COALESCE(closers.rank_lag, 0) AND closers.rank

... but I feel there must be a better way.

Thanks in advance for the help.


  • Another approach is to create a grouping ID by creating a running sum of the closing events. Then in an outer SQL you can Group By and pick min() and max() dates.

    Select some_fk,min(some_date) as some_date_field_start, max(some_date) as some_date_field _end
    From (
        Select some_fk,some_date,
          Sum(Case When some_field in ('X','Y','Z') Then 1 Else 0 End)
            Over (Partition By some_fk Order By some_date
            Rows Between Unbounded Preceding And 1 Preceding)
          as some_grouping
        From foo
    Group By some_fk,some_grouping
    Order By some_fk,some_grouping

    This seems a little simpler at least to me.