You can see here that I am creating a tkinter ListBox
and populating it with 3 items. All I need to do is be able to record what the user has selected when they press the button!
I know that when you click the Button, bigListbox.curselection()
gets the indexes of the items correctly and inserts them into the show
But I need to actually collect the currently selected strings and save them to a file upon clicking send.
def showSelected():
bigListbox = Listbox(rootWindow, selectmode="multiple")
# Load workstations from file
bigArr=["MYHSS", "MY", "MORE", "Aloysius"]
myIndex = len(bigArr)
for index in range(0, myIndex):
bigListbox.insert(myIndex, bigArr[index])
Button(rootWindow, text='Send', command=showSelected).pack(pady=20)
show = Label(rootWindow)
You can use .get()
of Listbox
to get the string at specified index:
def showSelected():
# create a comma separated list of selected items
items = ", ".join(bigListbox.get(idx) for idx in bigListbox.curselection())