I have a data set that pulls the difference of time between each entered and deleted order. However with this code I get an output that reads 0-0 0 and the time difference. I would like to remove the 0-0 0 if possible.
SELECT CAST(Left(time, 8) AS time) AS time,
coalesce(buyer_order_id, SELLER_ORDER_ID) AS order_id,
CAST(left(time, 8) AS time) - lag(CAST(Left(time, 8) AS time), 1)
OVER (partition by coalesce(buyer_order_id, SELLER_ORDER_ID) order by time) AS time_difference
FROM orders.sheet1
WHERE message_type = "ENTER" OR message_Type = "DELETE"
order by order_id
sample output:
time order_id message_type time_difference
01:56:26 267 ENTER null
04:20:24 267 DELETE 0-0 0 2:23:58
01:57:00 268 ENTER null
03:31:57 268 DELETE 0-0 0 1:34:57
tried many variations of replace and right functions but have been unsuccessful since the output is a time one and not a string.
Would you try below ?
EXTRACT(HOUR FROM time_difference),
EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM time_difference),
EXTRACT(SECOND FROM time_difference)
) AS time_diff
SELECT CAST(Left(time, 8) AS time) AS time,
coalesce(buyer_order_id, SELLER_ORDER_ID) AS order_id,
CAST(left(time, 8) AS time) - lag(CAST(Left(time, 8) AS time), 1)
OVER (partition by coalesce(buyer_order_id, SELLER_ORDER_ID) order by time) AS time_difference
FROM orders.sheet1
WHERE message_type = "ENTER" OR message_Type = "DELETE"
) order by order_id;