Is there a way to collect Uni.combine().all().unis(...)
failures, as Uni.join().all(...).andCollectFailures()
I need to call different services concurrently (with heterogeneous results) and fail all if one of them fails.
Moreover, what's the difference between Uni.combine().all().unis(...)
and Uni.join(...)
Uni Combine Exception The code should be like this,
return Uni.combine().all().unis(getObject1(), getObject2()).collectFailures().asTuple().flatMap(tuples -> {
return Uni.createFrom().item(Response.ok().build());
}).onFailure().recoverWithUni(failures -> {
System.out.println(failures instanceof CompositeException);
CompositeException exception = (CompositeException) failures;
for (Throwable error : exception.getCauses()) {
// failures.printStackTrace();
return Uni.createFrom().item(Response.status(500).build());
Difference: Quarkus provides parallel processing through use of these two features:
Unijoin - Iterate through a list of objects and perform a certain operation in parallel. Iterate through a list of orders and perform activities on each order one by one (Multi) OR Iterate through a list of orders and add a method wrapper on the object in the Unijoin Builder. When the builder executes, the method wrappers are called in parallel, and its response collected in a list.
List<RequestDTO> reqDataList = request.getRequestData(); // Your input data
UniJoin.Builder<ResponseDTO> builder = Uni.join().builder();
for (RequestDTO requestDTO : reqDataList) {
return builder.joinAll().andFailFast().flatMap(responseList -> {
List<ResponseDTO> nonNullList = new ArrayList<>();
nonNullList.addAll( -> {
return respDTO != null;
return Uni.createFrom().item(nonNullList);
You can see the list of objects converted to method wrapper, 'process', which is then called in parallel when 'andFailFast' is called.
'Uni.combine' - Call separate methods that returns different response in parallel.
List<OrderDTO> orders = new ArrayList<>();
return Uni.combine().all().unis(getCountryMasters(),
.flatMap(tuple -> {
List<CountryDto> countries = tuple.getItem1();
List<CurrencyDto> currencies = tuple.getItem2();
// Get country code and currency code from each order and
// convert it to corresponding technical id.
return convert(orders, countries, currencies);
As you see above, both methods in 'combine' returns different results and yet they are performed in parallel.