there is my sls file:
{% set java_script_path = salt['pillar.get']('script_path', default='/opt/java-app') %}
{% if salt['pillar.get']('script_path') %}
{% set file = {{ java_script_path }}/ %} ## seem this line have Jinja syntax error
{% if salt['file.file_exists']('{{ file }}') %}
- name: mv {{ java_script_path }}/ {{ java_script_path }}/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
is using salt['pillar.get']('script_path')
can not split other string?
example: name: {{ salt['pillar.get']('script_path') }}/
will raise error like: failed: Jinja syntax error: expected token ':', got '}'
how can i fix ?
can you help me to fix my sls file to work?
already starts a Jinja context. You do not need to try to start another one with {{
{% set file = java_script_path ~ "/" %}
It was expecting a :
because {
starts a dict literal.