I have this type of Dataframe :
origin delta
2021-09 admin -1000
2021-09 ext 20
2021-10 ext 648
2021-11 admin -1000
2021-11 ext 590
monthframe (32,3)
(I reprocessed "month" index from dates in a colum, parsed as datetime initially) I tried to reproduce Pandas dataframe groupby plot Pandas groupby results on the same plot
monthframe.groupby("origin").plot(kind="bar",stacked=True, legend=True, xlabel="Month", ylabel="Delta", layout=(20,10),subplots=False)
setting month as index before so that it will work as x.
But I can't get it to display bars in the same graph, with various colors. I only have one graph when I do
monthframe.plot(kind="bar",stacked=True, legend=True, xlabel="Month", ylabel="Delta", layout=(20,10),subplots=False)
but then all origins are merged into the same months, all is blue and it really isn't informative.
I tried everything I could find (setting axes before; etc, but the plot doesn't even take its named arguments into account).
What to do please?
With matplotlib
, you have to reshape your dataframe:
ax = (monthframe.set_index('origin', append=True)['delta'].unstack()
.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, legend=True, rot=45,
xlabel='Mois', ylabel='Consommation'))
Output of reshape:
>>> monthframe.set_index('origin', append=True)['delta'].unstack()
origin admin ext
2021-09 -1000.0 20.0
2021-10 NaN 648.0
2021-11 -1000.0 590.0