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AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '_execute_on_connection'

I have a problem with following code:

from pandasql import sqldf
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'column1': [1, 2, 3], 'column2': [4, 5, 6]})

query = "SELECT * FROM df WHERE column1 > 1"

new_dataframe = sqldf(query)


When I submit, I have this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Spyder\Python\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\ in execute
    meth = statement._execute_on_connection

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '_execute_on_connection'

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Spyder\pkgs\spyder_kernels\ in compat_exec
    exec(code, globals, locals)

  File c:\users\yv663dz\downloads\
    new_dataframe = sqldf(query)

  File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Spyder\Python\lib\site-packages\pandasql\ in sqldf
    return PandaSQL(db_uri)(query, env)

  File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Spyder\Python\lib\site-packages\pandasql\ in __call__
    result = read_sql(query, conn)

  File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Spyder\Python\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\ in read_sql
    return pandas_sql.read_query(

  File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Spyder\Python\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\ in read_query
    result = self.execute(*args)

  File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Spyder\Python\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\ in execute
    return self.connectable.execution_options().execute(*args, **kwargs)

  File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Spyder\Python\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\ in execute
    raise exc.ObjectNotExecutableError(statement) from err

ObjectNotExecutableError: Not an executable object: 'SELECT * FROM df WHERE column1 > 1'

I installed the latest versions of pandas, pandasql and sqlalchemy and I use Spyder as IDE. Could someone help me please?


  • SQLAlchemy 2.0 (released 2023-01-26) requires that raw SQL queries be wrapped by sqlalchemy.text.

    The general solution for this error message is to pass the query text to sqlalchemy.text()

    from sqlalchemy import text
    query = text("SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE column1 > 1")

    However in this case the OP is using pandasql, which expects a string. There does not seem to be a straightforward way to make pandasql compatible with SQLAlchemy >= 2.0, and the package seems to be unmaintained, so the only solutions are to find a fork that has fixed the problem (there are some), fork the project yourself and fix it, or downgrade your SQLAlchemy installation using your Python package manager. For example, if you use pip:

    python3 -m pip install --upgrade 'sqlalchemy<2.0'