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How to make the position of shared tooltip be above the points?

I found a lot of answers for this question, but no one fit mine. So, we can see that regular tooltip is located above the point, like in this picture: enter image description here

And when I change this example to use shared:true, the tooltip located in the left side: enter image description here

Now I just want that shared tooltip will be located above the 2 points(in the example). I know that I need to add code in the property positioner, but I cant figure out the math. more than that, if outside: true than I absolutely can't understand the math.

So, to conclude, how to make the position in shared tooltip to be above the points? Thanks in advance.


  • Ok, it's really annoying task! So I give a solution for shared tooltip and outside: true. So first problem was to understand the coordinates system. When outside: true we work relative to window, and when outside: false we work relative to chart.

    Second, you can see if you put a log, that point values are always relative to chart, so what to do when we do outside: true?

    Here the code which worked for me:

      outside: true,
      positioner: function(labelWidth, labelHeight, point) {
        const chart = this.chart;
        const chartPosition = chart.pointer.getChartPosition();
        const hoverPoints = chart.hoverPoints;
        const highestPoint = [...hoverPoints].sort((a, b) => a.plotY - b.plotY)[0];
        const middlePoint = hoverPoints[Math.floor(hoverPoints.length / 2)];
        return {
            chartPosition.left +
            middlePoint.barX +
            chart.plotLeft +
            middlePoint.pointWidth / 2 -
            labelWidth / 2,
          y: + highestPoint.plotY - labelHeight

    I used a little the solutions from:

    1. How to position highcharts tooltip above chart with outside:true
    2. Highcharts custom tooltip positioner

    To a little bit explain my solution, i share a picture: enter image description here

    Till now I'm not 100% understand what exactly each property say, but it's the way.

    To investigate further, I suggest you to put a lot of console.logs on the properties, and also I used this code pasted to Console in devtools:

    addEventListener('click', (event) => {
      console.log(`x: ${event.clientX}, y: ${event.clientY}`);

    It helped me to create a target, for example: "The middle need to be in x:250 and y:300 because I clicked on the middle and got this values => let's play with the properties to get closer as I can!"