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How to Add Labels on a LineMark Chart in SwiftUI

I'm creating a chart in SwiftUI. It's weather related and I have the data successfully displaying. Now, I'm attempting to display the temperature on each symbol in the chart, but it only displays on the first symbol.

Here's what I've done:

  Chart {
     ForEach(temperatures, id: \.tempType) { series in
      ForEach( { element in
         LineMark(x: .value("Day",, y: .value("Temps", element.temp))
             .foregroundStyle(by: .value("TemperatureType", series.tempType))
              .symbol {
                       .frame(width: 10)
                       .shadow(radius: 2)
                       .lineStyle(.init(lineWidth: 5))
        } // end for each
      } // end for each

SwiftUI chart with LineMark

This works. Then, I attempt to add text using this modifier on the LineMark:

.annotation(position: .overlay, alignment: .bottom) {
                                    let text = "\(element.temp)"

It only displays the text on the first symbol's data point:

SwiftUI chart with LineMark with text at first data point

Since the annotation modifier is within the ForEach loop, I thought it would display the temperature at each data point, but it doesn't. What's the best way to have the temperature displayed at each symbol instead of only the first?


  • The short answer is that the .annotation refers to the type of "Mark" that you attach it to - and you are attaching it to a LineMark, so it is the entire line you are "annotating", not the individual points.

    Had you used BarMarks or PointMarks, the annotation will attach to the individual bar or point. So try this instead:

        Chart {
            ForEach(Array(zip(numbers, numbers.indices)), id: \.0) { number, index in
                    x: .value("Index", index),
                    y: .value("Value", number)
                .lineStyle(.init(lineWidth: 5))
                    x: .value("Index", index),
                    y: .value("Value", number)
                .annotation(position: .overlay,
                            alignment: .bottom,
                            spacing: 10) {

    enter image description here

    To make it compatible with your nice symbols, we need to add a couple of extra steps:

        Chart {
            ForEach(Array(zip(numbers, numbers.indices)), id: \.0) { number, index in
                    x: .value("Index", index),
                    y: .value("Value", number)
                .lineStyle(.init(lineWidth: 5))
                .symbol {
                    // This still needs to be associated
                    // with the LineMark
                        .frame(width: 10)
                        .shadow(radius: 2)
                    x: .value("Index", index),
                    y: .value("Value", number)
                // We need .opacity(0) or it will
                // overlay your `.symbol`
                .annotation(position: .overlay,
                            alignment: .bottom,
                            spacing: 10) {

    enter image description here