There is a new JSWASM approach that allows saving to SQLite (the fast OPFS way) in the browser via a javascript Worker. A sample is here that is (sort of) for a Chrome extension. Ideally, it would allow saving from the background.js, but it's unclear whether a worker can be called from there in MV3 based on this and this. Does anyone have a simple working example closer to my use case, which is saving content from the user's active tab to a SQLite database? Thanks.
The OPFS depends on the createSyncAccessHandle()
method, which is exposed in Worker
threads. The usual feature detection goes like this:
if (self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope && 'createSyncAccessHandle' in self.FileSystemFileHandle.prototype) {
// OPFS in `Worker` is supported!
Now an extension service worker (as currently implemented in Chrome) is an instance of ServiceWorkerGlobalScope
, so the API is not supported there.
Unfortunately at the moment the only choice is to open an extension page and then run the OPFS code from there.