What i meant with executable, is the same web application could be installed locally on our client's machine, without leaving a chance for the client to access the source code, just like C++
i tried adding a google shortcut in the client's desktop, but it doesn't seem like a good choice
i guess i found a way, it just looks like it's not running on a browser while it actually does. using a PHP Desktop project and it is an open source project founded by Czarek Tomczak : enter link description here.
When you install this project you will find a "www" folder, there you should paste all your php folders and files after deleting the old existing ones. and after that you could run the executable file called "phpdesktop-chrome" which points to the www folder where ur project's files exist and it will run a desktop window with ur index view.
Note : you'll need to run Xampp or Laragon or any Appache/MySQL Server manager before, or simply just configure it to run on the start up automatically.
the best thing is in the open source project there's a configuration json called "settings.son" file where you could parameter your app and customize how it will look like, like adding an icon,making it run fullscreen, disable and enable the maximin, close and hide buttons, changing the name etc.. and then u can add a shortcut on your desktop, but sadly the source code will still be accessible this is how the settings.json file looks like : enter image description here