I have a naïve understanding of For loops in R. I would appreciate your help to learn it better.
I am working on a project with several tables of data in it. imagine the following structure: dictionary$table$variables$type
In the last level (i.e., type), the values are FALSE and/or TRUE. I need to show for which variables across all the tables the value of type equals only TRUE or only FALSE or a combination of both.
I found this function to suit my purpose: for instance for a table called HARIX, all values equal FALSE.
Now I need to turn it into a loop so that it does the job for all the tables included in the dictionary. I don't know how to write this command. I wrote the one below but it doesn't reach the write level I need (i.e., type).
value <- list()
for(table_name in project$name){
value[[table_name]] <- unique(dict[[table_name]]$variables$type)
I really appreciate your help. If you also have any advice on how to use the lapply function for this purpose, I would love to learn that too.
Get rid of the for loop and use the map function from the purrr package:
Remember you have to provide a data sample in order to explain your problem better...
v1 <- c(F, F, F)
v2 <- c(F, T, F)
v3 <- c(T, T, T)
dictionary <- list(
HARIX = list(var1 = list(type = v1),
var2 = list(type = v2),
var3 = list(type = v3)),
OTHER = list(var4 = list(type = v3),
var5 = list(type = v1),
var6 = list(type = v2)))
map(dictionary, ~ map(., ~ map(., unique)))
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
Here is the map function documentation
You have requested a lapply solution:
function(word) lapply(word,
function(var) lapply(var, unique)))
You have to go down the list till you reach the right level. So you have to use nested map or nested lapply.