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Java oversize List from array Arrays.asList vs. AbstractList performance issue

The situation:

A (huge) array of elements requires performant transformation into a List, extended by one value. To solve the problem, a reduced implementation of AbstractList was devised and used in a dedicated method, which performs very well.

The Problem:

Simply applying Arrays.asList(String element, String[] elements) will not work (which would be very fast). Trying any other, seemingly straight-forward approaches will fail, due to serious performance problems.

Consider following examples, of which none will perform well:

protected static <T> List<T> slowAsList(final T last, final T... elements) {

    return IntStream.rangeClosed(0, length)
      .mapToObj(i -> i < length ? elements[i] : last)

    return Stream.concat(Stream.of(first),
    return new ArrayList() {{ for (Object o : elements) add(o); add(last); }};

    final ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
    for (Object o : elements) arrayList.add(o);
    return arrayList;

    final int arrayLen = elements.length + 1;
    final Object[] array = Arrays.copyOf(elements, arrayLen);
    for (int i = 1; i < arrayLen; i++) {
      array[i] = elements[i - 1];
    array[arrayLen - 1] = last;
    return Arrays.asList(array);

The method will stall in a JUnit test and not finish in a feasible amount of time:

public void fastAsListTest() {
    final Object[] testStrings1MwithNull = IntStream.rangeClosed(0, 1000000)
      .mapToObj(i -> i == 1000000 ? null : "TEST" + i)


When replacing the implementation in the method with a variation of the AbstractList implementation, the test will finish within a few milliseconds, instead:

protected static <T> List<T> fastAsList(final T last, final T... elements) {
    if (elements == null) {
      return null;
    return new AbstractList<T>() {
      public int size() {
        return elements.length;
      public T get(int index) {
        return index < 0 ? null : elements[index];

EDIT: This was the original code, with first as additional element

protected static List<Object> asList(final Object first, final Object[] elements) {
    return new AbstractList<Object>() {
      public int size() {
        return elements.length + 1;
        // return elements != null ? elements.length + 1 : 0;
      public Object get(int index) {
        return (index == 0) ? first : elements[index - 1];
        // return (index == 0) ? first : elements!= null ? elements[index - 1] : null;

The commented-out code shows the added null checks, for nulls causing com.sun.jdi.InvocationException with elements null.

EDIT2: Jet another attempt, this time trying to apply the fast code as inline Collector in a Stream approach (with same results):

final int length = elements.length;
    return IntStream.rangeClosed(0, length)
      .mapToObj(i -> i < length ? elements[i] : null)
      .collect(() -> new AbstractList<T>() {
        public int size() {
          return elements == null ? null : elements.length;
        public T get(int index) {
          return index < 0 ? null : elements[index];
        (a,b) -> {return;}, 
        (a,b) -> {return;}

What could be causing this issue, might a lack of memory be the problem here?

I've ramped-up Xms/Xmx to 2G/6G for the test and have an overall memory consumption of ~83% (of 16G in total) in Windows. Lowering the values hasn't changed anything, though.


The only option that seems to provide comparable performance so far - working only, if no additional value is required - is a plain wrapped Arrays.asList():

protected static <T> List<T> fastAsList(final T... elements) {
  return elements == null ? null : Arrays.asList(elements);


  • My guess is: The return object of AbstractList is a simple Reference instance. The field of return object is your huge array.

    And in other words, there is not real copy.