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NetBeans Doesn't Display Chinese Content

Good day,

My dev pc env like this, Win11 and NetBeans16 installed. I am dev PHP Lang now.

When I opened an existing source code folder and I found these Chinese content can't display normally.( Pls see screen capture posted as below)

I already tried several methods as below,

  1. I configured the NetBeans Project Encoding to UTF-8; // doesn't work
  2. I tried to type simple Chinese content in the IDE directly; // Same issue
  3. I googled and modified the 'netbeans.conf' file and added the -J-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 at the end of netbeans_default_options=" , and then I restarted my NetBeans or enen I reboot my win OS. The problem is still can't resolve.

BTW, I could view the Chinese content in Visula Studio Code via my PC. And I configured my DB encode to UTF-8 Unicode (utf8mb4).

Thks for your suggestions in advance.



  • Followed Skomisa's suggestion. I solved the issue as below, I must choose one font that support Chinese character and then I could render it in NetBeans edit window.(as I commented above)

    See the result attached. 01.png