I have a v-select dropdown (vuetify), which are a list of time-slots with 15 minutes interval
Let us call it startTime
which is pre-defined to f.x '12.00'
and is binded with v-model to data.
The issue here is, when i click on startTime
the dropdown is not automatically scrolled to the selected value, i have to manually scroll down.
But WHEN i click a other value f.x 13.00 - and now when i click the startTime
- it will automatically be scrolled to the selected value.
Here is a example of this behavior in code-pen https://codepen.io/Hoxi/pen/QWBXwVB
Here is a example which shows that it works if i select a value, now the dropdown will be scrolled into the selected value.
So the issue is when the value is pre-selected, v-select wont be scrolling into the preselected value
Related issue: https://github.com/sagalbot/vue-select/issues/1169
I think menu-props="auto" can help you