I habe a base Blazor component, using two generic classes like this
@typeparam T where T : class
@typeparam P where P : class
public abstract partial class BaseClass<T, P> : ComponentBase where T : class where P : class
[Parameter] public P? CurrentParent { get; set; }
I can easily load a derived class with a wrapper component like this:
@page "/mypage"
<Derived T="Class1" P="Class2" />
with this derived component:
@inherits BaseClass<T,P>
@code {
@typeparam T where T : Class1
@typeparam P where P : Class2
But when I try to call this derived component directly, with a @page it fails
@page "/direct"
@inherits BaseClass<T,P>
@code {
@typeparam T where T : Class1
@typeparam P where P : Class2
Trying to call the page in this way I get the following exception:
System.ArgumentException: Cannot create an instance of ...Pages.Derived`2[T,P] because Type.ContainsGenericParameters is true
I expect this is because the Parameter P is not given, can someone point me in the right direction of how to handle this without specifying the parameter or how to specify it?
When the page is called from somewhere else, the P and T types can't be left open.
This ought to work:
@page "/direct"
@inherits BaseClass<Class1,Class2>
@code {
// @typeparam T where T : Class1
// @typeparam P where P : Class2