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My mac is blocking all dylib used by STM32CubeIde

When I try to Debug on STM32CubeIde my mac blocks the dylib it use, I go to preferences and security and allow it to run, but there are so many dylib and the Debug mode fails

Error on STM32CubeIde

Mac Error

Allow anyway on Mac preferences


  • Solved the problem. When an Application blocks dylib you can try this:

    sudo spctl --master-disable 

    on Terminal. Then go to settings->Privacy and click on allow apps downloaded from any site. Then restart the STM32CubeIDE and it works on Debug mode.

    Does STM32CubeIDE keep working if you reenable Gatekeeper afterwards? Answering this question: Once you close the IDE, the Gatekeeper reenables automatically. If not, the command is

    sudo spctl --master-enable