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IBM Cloud: How to rename Code Engine project?

I created an IBM Cloud Code Engine project. The name was not well-chosen and needs to change. We already have a lot of resources in the project. I don't see an option to rename the project. Would I need to recreate the project and all its resources?


  • An IBM Cloud Code Engine project is the same as an IBM Cloud service instance. Thus, you can also manage it as a regular IBM Cloud resource. Use the CLI command service-instance-update to rename the project.

    Check for the projects:

    $ ibmcloud ce proj list
    Getting projects...
    Name          ID                                    Status  Enabled  Selected  Tags  Region    Resource Group  Age  
    toBeRenamed   0f36e9e0-2xyz-41bc-bxyz-2be32980e018  active  true     true            eu-de     default         10d  

    Rename the Code Engine project as resource instance:

    ibmcloud resource service-instance-update toBeRenamed -n newCEproject

    Check the project again:

    $ ibmcloud ce proj list
    Getting projects...
    Name          ID                                    Status  Enabled  Selected  Tags  Region    Resource Group  Age  
    newCEproject  0f36e9e0-2xyz-41bc-bxyz-2be32980e018  active  true     true            eu-de     default         87s