i am trying to look up corresponding commodity prices from columns(CU00.SHF,AU00.SHF,SC00.SHF,I8888.DCE C00.DCE), with a new set of timestamps, the dates of which are 32 days later than the dates in column 'history_date'.
i tried .loc and .at in a loop to extract the matching values with below functions:
latest_day = data.iloc[data.shape[0] - 1, 0].date()
def next_trade_day(x):
x = pd.to_datetime(x).date() #imported is_workday funtion requires datetime type
while True:
if is_workday(x + timedelta(32)) != False:
return (pd.Timestamp((x + timedelta(32))))
if is_workday(x + timedelta(32)) == False:
x = x + timedelta(1)
return pd.Timestamp(x + timedelta(32))
def end_price(x):
x = pd.Timestamp(x)
if x <= latest_day:
return data.at[x,'CU00.SHF']
if x > latest_day:
return data.at[x,'CU00.SHF']
but it always gives KeyError: Timestamp('2023-02-03 00:00:00')
any idea how should i achieve the target?
thanks in advance!
if you want work datetime:
convert column datetime
check date converted, use filte
pd.to_datetime(df['your column'],errors='ignore')
df.loc[df.['your column'] > 'your-date' ]
if work both, then check your full code.