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How to emulate backtick subshells in plumbum

I want to write this command in Plumbum:

foo `date +%H%M%S`

or, equivalently:

foo $(date +%H%M%S)

(think of 'foo' as a command like 'mkdir')

How can I write this in Plumbum? I want to have this as a Plumbum object that I can reuse - ie each time I call it I call 'foo' with the current time, being different each call.

I tried using a subshell. This example:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from plumbum import local
import time
s = local["sh"]
f = s["-c", "mkdir", "$(date +%H%M%S)"]
for i in range(0,10):

doesn't work because I get:

plumbum.commands.processes.ProcessExecutionError: Unexpected exit code: 1
Command line: | /usr/bin/sh -c mkdir '$(date +%H%M%S)'
Stderr:       | mkdir: missing operand
              | Try 'mkdir --help' for more information.

I could use time.localtime() to compute the time in Python, but that would be the same for every evaluation. I could also generate a shell script file with this in, but then I'd have to clean that up afterwards.

How can I write this in a Plumbum-native way?


  • You came close to having something that would work with sh -c. The trick is to understand that only the one argument directly after the -c is parsed as code by the shell; subsequent arguments go into $0, $1, etc. in the context in which that code is executed.

    s = local['sh']
    f = s['-c', 'mkdir "$(date +%H%M%S)"']

    That said, I'd strongly argue that plumbum is being more of a hinderance than a help, and suggest getting rid of it outright.