As described in this previous question, I'm plotting German zip codes. The most granular level is 5-digit, e.g. 10117. I would like to draw boundaries defined on the two digit level around, while also keeping the granularity of the zip codes for coloring.
Here again the first part of my code to color in zip codes:
# for loading our data
# for datasets
# for plotting
Get shape files for Germany (link). In Germany zip codes are called Postleitzahlen (PLZ).
germany <- read_sf("data/OSM_PLZ.shp")
Classify PLZs into arbitrary groups for plotting.
germany <- germany %>%
mutate(plz_groups = case_when(
substr(plz, 1, 1) == "1" ~ "Group A",
substr(plz, 2, 2) == "2" ~ "Group B",
TRUE ~ "Group X" # rest
Make plot filling by PLZ:
tm_shape(germany) +
tm_fill(col = "plz_groups")
The boundaries I want to draw are the following:
I managed to draw German state boundaries, building on the answer in the other post. But for this I used a different shape file. I haven't found existing shapefiles on the level I'm looking for.
Can I use the granular shapefile I already have and somehow it aggregate up to the 2-digit zip code level?
You can create a new variable on your object containing the first two characters of the zip code and use dplyr::group_by()
to combine each zip code into a zone.
See a reprex with just a subset of the zip codes, since this operation takes a long time on your dataset:
url <- ""
tmp <- "DEU.geojson"
download.file(url, tmp, mode = "wb")
germany <- st_read(tmp) |> st_make_valid()
# Create an index
germany$plz_groups <- substr(germany$plz, 1, 2)
# order levels
lvs <- unique(sort(germany$plz_groups))
germany$plz_groups <- factor(germany$plz_groups, levels = lvs)
# Group with dplyr
germany_group <- germany %>%
# For the example, just from 01 to 8
# You should remove this filter
filter(plz_groups %in% lvs[1:8]) %>%
select(plz_groups) %>%
group_by(plz_groups) %>%
summarise(n = n()) %>%
# Additionally remove holes
tm_shape(germany_group) +
tm_polygons() +
tm_shape(germany_group) +
tm_text(text = "plz_groups")