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How to upload files(images, pdf) using Azure blob storage with standard account?

I am using azure blob storage standard account. When I try to upload files, it throws the error 'BlobTypeNotSupported'. I know standard account doesn't support 'Block Blobs'. Is there any other way to upload files using standard account?


  • I tried in my environment and got below results:

    I created a standard storage account through azure portal :

    enter image description here

    I used the below code to upload images using nest.js


    import { BlobServiceClient, BlockBlobClient } from  '@azure/storage-blob';
    import { Injectable } from  '@nestjs/common';
    export  class  AppService {
    azureConnection = "< Connection string >";
    containerName = "test";
    const  blobClientService = BlobServiceClient.fromConnectionString(this.azureConnection);
    const  containerClient = blobClientService.getContainerClient(this.containerName);
    const  blobClient = containerClient.getBlockBlobClient(imageName);
    return  blobClient;
    async  upload(file:Express.Multer.File){
    const  blobClient = this.getBlobClient(file.originalname);
    await  blobClient.uploadData(file.buffer);


    enter image description here

    Postman: You can use the post request to upload image via postman.

    enter image description here


    The above request worked successfully and uploaded file through azure storage standard account using nest.js with Block-blob type.

    enter image description here


    NestJS API File Operations Using Azure Blob Storage ( by Naveen.