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How to apply filter on join table in many-to-many relation

I have many-to-many relationships between class and adventures.

So, I have 3 tables named class, adventure and class_has_adventure.

Class Table:

enter image description here

Adventure Table:

enter image description here

class_has_adventure Table:

enter image description here

as you can see in the class_has_adventure table I have 2 additional fields named date_start and date_stop. I want to add a filter on date_start and date-stop in the join table (class_has_adventure). I am using Knex and Objection in my Nodejs app. I tried some methods but I didn't get results. I have used withGraphJoined, withGraphFetch and joinRelation.

Is there any way to add the filter on the join table (class_has_adventure) while querying the data from adventure or class?


  • We can use Knex join, in your case:

            .join('class_has_adventure', '', 'class_has_adventure.id_class')
            .where('class_has_adventure.date_start', '>', new Date('2023-02-10'))