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C#: CommandLineParser How to parse URL?

I am working on a C# project which basically works on commands to perform certain operations. It uses CommandLineParser library to parse all these commands and respective argument.

As per the new business requirement, I need to parse an URL which contains verb and parameters.

Is there any built-in/easy way to parse URL in CommandLineParser library, that will avoid writing custom logic which I explained in below approach?

Here is my approach to solve this challenge:

Covert URL to command, then using CommandLine parser assign values to option properties.





  • Custom logic to covert url to command

    open -appId 123 -name paint -uid 511a3434-37e0-4600-ab09-65728ac4d8fe
  • Then pass it to parser.ParseArguments

  • Here is the class structure

    [Verb("open", HelpText = "Open an application")]
    public class OpenOptions
        [Option("id", "appId", Required = false, HelpText = "Application Id")]
        public int ApplicationId{ get; set; }
        [Option("name", "appName", Required = false, HelpText = "Application Name")]
        public string ApplicationName{ get; set; }
        [Option("uId", "userId", Required = true, HelpText = "User Id")]
        public Guid UserId{ get; set; }


  • There is no out-of-the-box solution. Normally HttpUtility class (ref Get URL parameters from a string in .NET) can do the trick.

    Here is the first approach:

    var url = "https://localhost:9000/Open?appId=123&appName=paint&uId=511a3434-37e0-4600-ab09-65728ac4d8fe";
    Uri uri = new Uri(url);
    var @params = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri.Query);
    string? appId = @params.Get("appId");

    Will return 123, and so on with your other parameters.

    The returned value will be a string type. You can eventually use Guid.TryParse to parse your Guid object and int.TryParse for an int value.