I have a jinja template below in which some of the values are of datetime. I initially ran my template but the SQL query generated would convert datetime values to the following:
2023-02-13 20:56:13.112000+00:00
. The datetime should instead be strings without the extra +00:00 like
"2023-02-13 20:56:13.112000"
I tried to add this check but got an error saying no test named datetime found.
{% elif val is datetime %}
{{col}} = '{{val.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}}'
Jinja template:
UPDATE {{database_name}}.{{table_name}}
{% for col, val in zip(column_list, value_list) %}
{% if val is string %}
{{col}} = '{{val}}'
{% elif val is datetime %}
{{col}} = '{{val.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}}'
{% else %}
{{col}} = {{val}}
{% endif %}
{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
WHERE 1= 1
{% for key,val in filters.items() %}
{% if val is sequence and val is not string and val is not mapping %}
AND {{key}} in ({% for i in val %}{% if i is string %}'{{i}}'{% else %}{{i}}{% endif %}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %})
{% elif val is string %}
AND {{key}} = '{{val}}'
{% elif val is number %}
AND {{key}} = {{val}}
{% elif val is boolean %}
AND {{key}} = {{val}}
{% else %}
AND {{key}} = '{{ val }}'
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Any idea what the best way is to convert a datetime value in a jinja template for SQL insertion?
I figured it out. You have to add a custom filter to test if the value is datetime.
Add the following to your sql/jinja helper file.
from jinja2 import Template
from jinja2.filters import FILTERS
import os
from datetime import datetime
def check_if_datetime(val):
return isinstance(val, datetime)
FILTERS["check_if_datetime"] = check_if_datetime
Then add/change the jinja template like below.
UPDATE {{database_name}}.{{table_name}}
{% for col, val in zip(column_list, value_list) %}
{% if val is string %}
{{col}} = '{{val}}'
{% elif val | check_if_datetime %}
{{col}} = '{{val.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}}'
{% else %}
{{col}} = {{val}}
{% endif %}
{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
WHERE 1= 1
{% for key,val in filters.items() %}
{% if val is sequence and val is not string and val is not mapping %}
AND {{key}} in ({% for i in val %}{% if i is string %}'{{i}}'{% else %}{{i}}{% endif %}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %})
{% elif val is string %}
AND {{key}} = '{{val}}'
{% elif val is number %}
AND {{key}} = {{val}}
{% elif val is boolean %}
AND {{key}} = {{val}}
{% else %}
AND {{key}} = '{{ val }}'
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}