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How to provide non-determinist value (id, dates, random...) to Domain Entity or Aggregate Root given that its been injected as dependencies

I am working on a frontend repository that implements an hexagonal architecture with domain driven design, using Redux Toolkit.

It is being developed in a TDD fashion. For that purpose, I am using "hand made" mocks. That way, I can pass a real implementation in the SUT, but an InMemory implementation in the test suites.

Examples (you can access the repository here:


import { ReduxStore } from '../../../../react-view/main'
import { configureStoreWith } from '../../../../app/store'
import { InMemoryIdProvider } from '../../../../infrastructure/idProvider/InMemoryIdProvider'
import { InMemoryRandomNumberProvider } from '../../../../infrastructure/randomNumberProvider/InMemoryRandomNumberProvider'
import { Die } from '../../entities/Die'
import { IdProvider } from '../../ports/IdProvider'
import { rollDice } from './rollDice'
import { Dice } from '../../entities/Dice'

function dieDataBuilder() {
  return new Die('uuid', {
    value: 2,
    isHeld: false,

async function triggerRollDiceUseCase(store: ReduxStore) {
  await store.dispatch(rollDice())
  return store.getState().dice.dice

describe('Generate Random Dice', () => {
  let store: ReduxStore
  let idProvider: IdProvider
  let randomNumberProvider: InMemoryRandomNumberProvider

  beforeEach(() => {
    idProvider = new InMemoryIdProvider()
    randomNumberProvider = new InMemoryRandomNumberProvider()
    const dependencies = {
      idProvider: idProvider,
      randomNumberProvider: randomNumberProvider,
    store = configureStoreWith(dependencies)

  it('should generate new dice after every roll', async () => {
    const expectedNumberOfDie = 10

    const firstDice = await triggerRollDiceUseCase(store)


    const secondDice = await triggerRollDiceUseCase(store)


The contract


export interface RandomNumberProvider {
  generate(): number

The in memory implementation:


import { RandomNumberProvider } from '../../core/dice/ports/randomNumberProvider'

export class InMemoryRandomNumberProvider implements RandomNumberProvider {
  // Should be greater or equal to 0 and less than 1 to simulate Math.random()
  private controlledRandomNumber = 0.3

  generate(): number {
    return this.controlledRandomNumber

  with(number: number): void {
    this.controlledRandomNumber = number

The real implementation :


import { RandomNumberProvider } from '../../core/dice/ports/randomNumberProvider'

export class RealRandomNumberProvider implements RandomNumberProvider {
  generate(): number {
    return Math.random()

That way, I have control over the non deterministic value on my test. I retrieved those providers in the thunk like so:

import { createAsyncThunk } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
import { DieViewModel } from '../../entities/Die'
import { Dice } from '../../entities/Dice'
import { ExtraDependencies } from '../../extraDependencies'

export const rollDice = createAsyncThunk<
  async (thunkAPI, { extra: { randomNumberProvider, idProvider } }) => {
    return new Dice(randomNumberProvider, idProvider).roll()

What bother me is this line:

return new Dice(randomNumberProvider, idProvider).roll()

I couldn't find a way to design the aggregate root Dice without injecting it those provider, in order to provider an id and a random number to its child entities Die.


import { RandomNumberProvider } from '../ports/randomNumberProvider'
import { IdProvider } from '../ports/IdProvider'
import { Die, DieViewModel } from './Die'

export class Dice {
  private readonly AMOUNT_OF_DICE = 10
  private readonly dice: Die[]

    private randomNumberProvider: RandomNumberProvider,
    private idProvider: IdProvider,
  ) {
    this.dice = this.initializeDice()

  roll(): DieViewModel[] {
    return => {
      const randomNumber = this.randomNumberProvider.generate()
      return die.toViewModel()

  public initializeDice(): Die[] {
    return Array(this.AMOUNT_OF_DICE)
      .fill(undefined) // needed to avoid generating die with the same id
      .map(() => this.generateDie())

  private generateDie() {
    const newId = this.idProvider.getNew()
    return new Die(newId)


export interface DieViewModel {
  id: string
  props: DieProps
interface DieProps {
  value: number
  isHeld: boolean

export class Die {
  private readonly MIN_VALUE = 1
  private readonly MAX_VALUE = 6

    public readonly id: string,
    readonly props: DieProps = {
      value: 6,
      isHeld: false,
  ) {
    this.props = props

  public roll(randomNumber: number): void {
    this.props.value = ~~(randomNumber * this.MAX_VALUE) + this.MIN_VALUE

  public hold(): void {
    this.props.isHeld = !this.props.isHeld

  static fromViewModel(dieViewModel: DieViewModel): Die {
    const { id, props } = dieViewModel
    return new Die(id, props)

  toViewModel(): DieViewModel {
    return {
      props: {
        value: this.props.value,
        isHeld: this.props.isHeld,

I am also concerned but the method roll(randomNumber) of Die which I guess leak some logic (random number) that should be encapsulated.

How can I redesign those Aggregate Root and Entity?

Again, you can access the repository code here: (you can access the repository here:


  • Thanks again to @mark-seemann for his socratic questions. Now that I have finish this mini-project, I can reflect on it, and I know can to the conclusion (I reserve the right to change my mind though), that those non-deterministic providers aren't entities props, so I now prefer to inject them trough the public method params when necessary.

    I also prefer to pass the whole dependency in the param than the result of its call as it gives better flexibility.