Search code examples

Ag grid Vue Search filter

How to make this kinda search filter in ag grid vue? Link for photo: Docs link: I tried to use but this search filter not displaying.

style="width: 1270px; height: 175px"


Also You can see vue scripts for ag-grid, that I tried to run for html template :

import "ag-grid-community/styles/ag-grid.css";
import "ag-grid-community/styles/ag-theme-alpine.css";
import { AgGridVue } from "ag-grid-vue3";
export default { 
  name: "WbCardDetail",
  components: { 
  setup() {
    return {
      columnDefs: [
        { headerName: "№", field: "position", filter: 'agTextColumnFilter', filterParams: {
            textMatcher: ({filter, value, filterText}) => {
                // custom matching logic that returns a boolean
        } },
        { headerName: "Фото", field: "thumb", filter: 'agTextColumnFilter' },
        { headerName: "Цена ставки", field: "cpm", filter: 'agTextColumnFilter' },
        { headerName: "SKU", field: "id", filter: 'agTextColumnFilter' },           
      rowData: [
        { position: "1", thumb: "Photo", cpm: "120"},
      defaultColDef: {
        flex: 1,
        minWidth: 100,
        filter: true,
        sortable: true,
        enablePivot: true,
        enableValue: true,
        enableRowGroup: true,
        resizable: true,        
   created() {
    this.autoGroupColumnDef = {
      minWidth: 200,
    this.sideBar = {
      toolPanels: [
          id: 'columns',
          labelDefault: 'Столбцы',
          labelKey: 'columns',
          iconKey: 'columns',
          toolPanel: 'agColumnsToolPanel',
          toolPanelParams: {
            suppressRowGroups: true,
            suppressValues: true,
            suppressPivots: true,
            suppressPivotMode: true,
            suppressColumnFilter: true,
            suppressColumnSelectAll: true,
            suppressColumnExpandAll: true,
      defaultToolPanel: 'columns',



  • I found the answer, search works only on non-free version of ag-grid!