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How can I improve this Reinforced Learning scenario in Stable Baselines3?

In this scenario, I present a box observation with numbers 0, 1 or 2 and shape (1, 10). The odds for 0 and 2 are 2% each, and 96% for 1. I want the model to learn to pick the index of any 2 that comes. If it doesn't have a 2, just choose 0.

Bellow is my code:

import numpy as np
import gym
from gym import spaces
from stable_baselines3 import PPO, DQN, A2C
from stable_baselines3.common.env_util import make_vec_env
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import VecFrameStack

action_length = 10

class TestBot(gym.Env):
    def __init__(self):
        super(TestBot, self).__init__()
        self.total_rewards = 0
        self.time = 0

        self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(action_length)
        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=2, shape=(1, action_length), dtype=np.float32)
    def generate_next_obs(self):
        p = [0.02, 0.02, 0.96]
        a = [0, 2, 1]
        self.observation = np.random.choice(a, size=(1, action_length), p=p)
        if 2 in self.observation[0][1:]:
            self.best_reward += 1

    def reset(self):
        if self.time != 0:
            print('Total rewards: ', self.total_rewards, 'Best possible rewards: ', self.best_reward)

        self.best_reward = 0
        self.time = 0
        self.total_rewards = 0
        self.last_observation = self.observation
        return self.observation

    def step(self, action):
        reward = 0
        if action != 0:
            last_value = self.last_observation[0][action]
            if last_value == 2:
                reward = 1
                reward = -1
        self.time += 1
        done = self.time == 4096
        info = {}
        self.last_observation = self.observation
        self.total_rewards += reward
        return self.observation, reward, done, info

For training, I used the following:

env = TestBot()
env = make_vec_env(lambda: env, n_envs=1)
model = PPO('MlpPolicy', env, verbose=0)

iters = 0
while True:
    iters += 1
    model.learn(total_timesteps=4096, reset_num_timesteps=True)

PPO gave the best result, which wasn't so great. It learned to have positive rewards, but took a long time and got stuck in a point far from optimal.

How can I improve the learning of this scenario?


  • I managed to solve my problem by tunning the PPO parameters.

    I had to change the following parameters:

    • gamma: from 0.99 to 0. It determines the importance of future rewards in the decision-making process. A value of 0 means that only imediate rewards should be considered.
    • gae_lambda: from 0.95 to 0.65. The gae_lambda parameter in Reinforcement Learning is used in the calculation of the Generalized Advantage Estimation (GAE). GAE is a method for estimating the advantage function in reinforcement learning, which is a measure of how much better a certain action is compared to the average action. A lower value means that PPO doesn't need to use the GAE too much.
    • clip_range: from 0.2 to function based. It determines the percentage of the decisions that will be done for exploration. At the end, exploration starts to be irrelevant. So, I made a function that uses a high exploration in the first few iteractions and goes to 0 at the end.

    I also made a small modification in the environment in order to penalize more the loss of oportunity of picking a number 2 index, but that is done just to accelerate the training.

    The following is my final code:

    env = TestBot()
    env = make_vec_env(lambda: env, n_envs=1)
    iters = 0
    def clip_range_schedule():
        def real_clip_range(progress):
            global iters
            cr = 0.2
            if iters > 20:
                cr = 0.0
            elif iters > 12:
                cr = 0.05
            elif iters > 6:
                cr = 0.1
            return cr
        return real_clip_range
    model = PPO('MlpPolicy', env, verbose=0, gamma=0.0, gae_lambda=0.65, clip_range=clip_range_schedule())
    while True:
        iters += 1
        model.learn(total_timesteps=4096, reset_num_timesteps=True)