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Spring Integration, Google Pubsub Auto ack not working

Following is an Spring IntegrationFlow i am trying to make work using Spring integration 6 and Google PubSub 1.123. However, AUTO acknowledgment is not working reason being the routeToRecpient is one way message handle. Is routeToRecipents one-way MessageHandle or am i doing something worng. is there a way to pass on the message to main flow ?

public IntegrationFlow processEvent() {
        return IntegrationFlow.from(Function.class, gateway -> gateway.beanName("onMessage"))
                .enrichHeaders(h -> h
                        .headerFunction(POSTGRES, t -> POSTGRES.equalsIgnoreCase(store) || ALL.equalsIgnoreCase(store))
                        .headerFunction(BIGTABLE, t -> BIGTABLE.equalsIgnoreCase(store) || ALL.equalsIgnoreCase(store))
                                t -> !BIGTABLE.equalsIgnoreCase(store) && !ALL.equalsIgnoreCase(store)
                                        && !POSTGRES.equalsIgnoreCase(store)))
                .log(LoggingHandler.Level.DEBUG, "Message Routed to DB store", t -> t.toString())
                .routeToRecipients(r -> r
                        .recipientMessageSelectorFlow(m -> m.getHeaders().get(BIGTABLE, Boolean.class),
                                c ->
                        .recipientMessageSelectorFlow(m -> m.getHeaders().get(BIGTABLE, Boolean.class),
                                c ->
                        .recipientMessageSelectorFlow(m -> m.getHeaders().get(NOSUPPORT, Boolean.class),
                                c ->


Need a way to handle the acknowledgement to PubSub messages


  • Why is that a Function? What do you produce from your flow? It really looks like your logic is one way and distribution. Isn't Consumer works for your instead?

    That's probably indeed a reason why auto-ack is not happened: the Function waits for a reply, but you don't produce one. We may do that as well, but need to understand what you are going to produce as a reply.