I have a schedule for employees' tasks, every employee starts his work shift from 7:00 to 15:00, I have an issue with an employee who has 3 tasks with start/end times of 7 am-11 am, 10 am-1 pm, and 11 am-3 pm then 10 am-1 pm overlaps with both task times 7 am-11 am and 11 am-3 pm, how could I ignore the overlapped task time
|Employee ID|Tasks |Task Start |Task End |
|123456 |Break |2/12/23 7:00 AM |2/12/23 11:00 AM|
|123456 |Job Order|2/12/23 10:00 AM|2/12/23 1:00 PM |
|123456 |Waiting |2/12/23 12:00 PM|2/12/23 3:00 PM |
|123654 |Job Order|2/12/23 7:00 AM |2/12/23 3:00 PM |
I've tried applying the below solution, but it produces an error
#"Grouped Rows" = Table.Group(Source, {"Employee ID", "Task Start"}, {{"Tasks", each _, type table [Employee ID=text, Task Start=datetime, Task End=datetime]}}),
#"Expanded Tasks" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Grouped Rows", "Tasks", {"Employee ID", "Task Start", "Task End"}, {"Employee ID", "Task Start", "Task End"}),
#"Sorted Rows" = Table.Sort(#"Expanded Tasks",{{"Employee ID", Order.Ascending}, {"Task Start", Order.Ascending}}),
#"Added Index" = Table.AddIndexColumn(#"Sorted Rows", "Index", 1, 1),
#"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Index", "Overlap", each if [Index] = 1 then "No Overlap"
else if [Task Start] >= List.Min(Table.SelectRows(#"Added Index", each [Employee ID]=[Employee ID] and [Index]<=[Index]-1 and [Task End]>=[Task Start])[Task End])
and [Task End] <= List.Max(Table.SelectRows(#"Added Index", each [Employee ID]=[Employee ID] and [Index]<=[Index]-1 and [Task Start]<=[Task End])[Task Start]) then "Overlap"
else "No Overlap"),
#"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Added Custom", each [Overlap] = "No Overlap") in "Filtered Rows"`
error: Expression.Error: We cannot convert the value null to type Logical. Details: Value= Type=[Type]
the expected output is to set a flag by adding a custom column "Overlapped" beside the middle one that overlapped with the 1st task that has the start time of the work shift 7 am
and the last task that has the end time 3 pm
result e.g.
|Employee ID|Tasks |Task Start |Task End |Flag |
|123456 |Break |2/12/23 7:00 AM |2/12/23 11:00 AM|Not Overlap|
|123456 |Job Order|2/12/23 10:00 AM|2/12/23 1:00 PM |Overlap |
|123456 |Waiting |2/12/23 12:00 PM|2/12/23 3:00 PM |Not Overlap|
|123654 |Job Order|2/12/23 7:00 AM |2/12/23 3:00 PM |Not Overlap|
Try this:
It works for the scenario you provided, and you can modify it for scenarios that you have not provided
//change next two lines to reflect actual data source and format
Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table19"]}[Content],
#"Trim Headers" = Table.RenameColumns(Source, List.Transform(Table.ColumnNames(Source), each {_, Text.Trim(_)})),
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Trim Headers",{
{"Employee ID", Int64.Type}, {"Tasks", type text}, {"Task Start", type datetime}, {"Task End", type datetime}}),
//The "magic" happens here
#"Grouped Rows" = Table.Group(#"Changed Type", {"Employee ID"}, {
{"Overlap Test", (t)=>
#"Start Shift" = Date.From(t[Task Start]{0}) & #time(7,0,0),
#"End Shift" = Date.From(t[Task Start]{0}) & #time(15,0,0),
#"Offset End Time" = Table.FromColumns(
Table.ToColumns(t) & {{null} & List.RemoveLastN(t[Task End],1)},
type table[Employee ID=Int64.Type, Tasks=text, Task Start=datetime, Task End=datetime,Shifted Task End=datetime]),
#"Overlap Time" = Table.AddColumn(#"Offset End Time","Overlap", each
if [Shifted Task End] > [Task Start]
([Task Start] > #"Start Shift" and [Task End] < #"End Shift")
then "Overlap"
else "Not Overlap"
#"Remove Shifted Task" = Table.RemoveColumns(#"Overlap Time",{"Shifted Task End"})
#"Remove Shifted Task", type table[Employee ID=Int64.Type, Tasks=text, Task Start=datetime, Task End=datetime, Overlap=text]}
//expand the grouped tables
#"Expanded Overlap" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Grouped Rows", "Overlap Test", {"Tasks", "Task Start", "Task End", "Overlap"})
#"Expanded Overlap"