I want to add a bot to a Telegram Group, but not via manual approach:
but via API instead, i.e., something like this:
which I had not been able to make it working. I've tried.
or /start@mybotname
within "mygroupname". Neither way get my bot added to the Telegram Group.
The reason I need to add a bot to Telegram Groups via API is that I have over a dozen of such Telegram Groups to add this new bot to.
2 years old question but, that's what helped me:
Use user API (not bot API) and messages.addChatUser method.
It works not only for adding users, but also bots.
For getting bot_id use https://api.telegram.org/bot{TOKEN}/getMe (use token from bot father)
Here is example of the code on python:
from telethon.sync import TelegramClient
from telethon.sessions import StringSession
from telethon.tl.functions.messages import AddChatUserRequest
session = StringSession("") # You should put your string session here
client = TelegramClient(session, api_id, api_hash)
async def run():
await client.connect() # This assumes you have already authenticated
result = await client(AddChatUserRequest(
print(result) # prints the result
with client: