I hope you’re doing well.
So, I’m creating a database-driven website about Portuguese dubs and using Strapi as backend and CMS. I created a collection type name Movies that has, amongst other things, a repeatable component for the cast. This repeatable component is made of a relations component with the Voice Actors collection (one to one) and a text field with the character he played.
When I call the API for a certain movie and populate Cast, it retrieves me the cast. However, it retrieves me the wrong ID for the Voice Actor.
For example, my Voice Actors’ ID go from 16 to 20, whoever the API is returning 10, 11, 12…
How do I retrieve the Voice Actors’ ID?
so let's make it clear you have a collection movies
, witch has repeatable components casts
witch has relation to an actor
So id that you have in your screenshot is likely an id of component, to get full data you would need to populate at list two levels deep:
const query = qs.stringify(
populate: {
casts: {
populate: ['actor'],
encodeValuesOnly: true,
witch would give request like this: