I want to create two Docker volumes and have their data be persistent. I run sudo docker compose up -d
, post some data to my website (text that is stores in a sqlite database and an image stored in the filesystem), then run sudo docker compose down
. When I run sudo docker compose up -d
again, all the data I posted is gone. With the following configs, I expect the data to still be present.
FROM python:3.9.16-buster
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
# The Debian/Buster default is to disable the password.
RUN adduser nonroot
RUN mkdir /home/site/ && chown -R nonroot:nonroot /home/site
RUN chown -R nonroot:nonroot /var/log/site
# two volumes created
VOLUME /home/site/db /home/site/static
WORKDIR /home/site
USER nonroot
# folders ./site/static and ./site/db exist in my host directory
COPY --chown=nonroot:nonroot . .
CMD ["python", "./site/main.py"]
build: flask
restart: always
- '8081:8081'
- site_db:/home/site/db # same path as the volumes created in the Dockerfile
- site_static:/home/site/static
command: gunicorn -w 1 -t 3 -b --chdir ./site main:app
site_db: # I find it odd these volumes keys don't have values, but that's what I have see other people do
docker compose up
and docker compose down
delete my volumes.
docker compose start
and docker compose stop
do NOT delete my volumes.
Through the Flask app, check where you are uploading the files to, as well as where the sqlite3 db file is. If these paths do not align with the volumes paths, data will not persist.