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.NET Core String Interpolation Bug in Razor?

I don't understand why this will not compile when typed out in a .cshtml/Razor page:

@($"{"\""}") // <-- does not work

@($"{"'"}") // <-- does not work

@($"{"a"}") // <-- works

The error states:

RZ1000: Unterminated string literal. Strings that start with a quotation mark (") must be terminated before the end of the line. However, strings that start with @ and a quotation mark (@") can span multiple lines.

CS1002: ; expected

CS1513: } expected

It appears that non-quote characters work fine, but a double-quote or single-quote character breaks Razor's ability to parse the interpolated string, even when the quote character is escaped.

All the examples work fine in a plain .cs file:

public sealed class Test
    public string x = $"{"\""}";
    public string y = $"{"'"}";
    public string z = $"{"a"}";

What gives?

My environment is as follows:

.NET SDK: v7.0.102

.NET Runtime: v7.0.2

C#: v11 (preview)

Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit): v17.4.4

enter image description here


  • Update

    This bug is now being tracked here:

    It's a bug, known by the .NET guys as far back as 2015 at least.

    The dotnet engineers on the dotnet/aspnetcore github page felt the work required to fix it outweighed the benefits, however:

    Jun 3, 2015

    After investigating this issue further turns out the requirements to complete this are pretty high (need to understand C# close to entirety at the Tokenizer level). Will revisit this later.

    10 weeks and 2 days later...

    Aug 14, 2015

    Moving to backlog because we feel these cases are not common in MVC views, and have trivial workarounds (e.g. use string.Format() instead of string interpolation).