I want to add bootstrap dark theme to my angular application and i don't know how to add data-bs-theme="dark" in index.html using angular? any idea??
I don't know how to change the data-bs-theme attribute using angular
So... you made me curious. For this reason I have tried it. First: This function, or Attribute
so to say, is only available in Bootstrap 5.3.0 which still is an Alpha at this time.
npm install boostrap@5.3.0-Alpha1
After this you can use the Attribute
. But: In Angular it's not a very good way to manipulate the index.html. It's the main entry of the app and Angular is using the underlying <app-root>
as highest level. So we don't need index. You can (and should - so tells us Bootstraps documentation) use it on any components you need, nav
or any div
In Angular, to make it switchable, bind it as attribute:
<div [attr.data-bs-theme]="myTheme">
<!-- Some Stuff -->
The code part
myTheme: string = "light";
onSwitch() {
if (this.myTheme === "light")
this.myTheme = "dark";
this.myTheme = "light";
Play around with the docs to see "how to integrate it". But: wrapper like ng-boostrap
and so on support this alpha not full at the moment.