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Connecting to a mongodb cluster in kubernetes

I have this terraform config for creating a single mongodb replica and a service but I can't connect to mongo using the cli and the cluster domain name.

locals {
  labels = {
    "app" = "mongo"
  volume_config_name = "mongo-config"

module "mongo" {
  source  = "terraform-iaac/stateful-set/kubernetes"
  version = "1.4.2"
  # insert the 3 required variables here
  image     = "mongo:4.4"
  name      = "mongodb"
  namespace = kubernetes_namespace.cmprimg.metadata[0].name

  custom_labels = local.labels

  volume_host_path = [
      volume_name  = "data"
      path_on_node = "/data/db"
  volume_mount = [
      mount_path  = "/data/db"
      volume_name = "data"
      mount_path  = "/etc/mongod.conf.orig"
      volume_name = "mongodb-conf"
      sub_path    = "configfile" // Key from configmap

  volume_config_map = [{
    mode        = "0777"
    volume_name = "mongodb-conf"
    name        = "mongodb-confmap"

  # volume_claim = [
  #   {
  #     name                   = "mongo"
  #     namespace              = kubernetes_namespace.cmprimg.metadata[0].name
  #     access_modes           = ["ReadWriteOnce"]
  #     requests_storage       = "4Gi"
  #     persistent_volume_name = "mongo"
  #     storage_class_name     = "linode-block-storage-retain"
  #   }
  # ]
  env = {
    "MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME" = var.username,
    "MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD" = var.password,
  command = [

  internal_port = [
      name          = "mongo"
      internal_port = 27017

  resources = {
    request_cpu    = "100m"
    request_memory = "800Mi"
    limit_cpu      = "120m"
    limit_memory   = "900Mi"

  replicas = 1

module "mongo_service" {
  source  = "terraform-iaac/service/kubernetes"
  version = "1.0.4"
  # insert the 3 required variables here

  app_name      =
  app_namespace = kubernetes_namespace.cmprimg.metadata[0].name
  port_mapping = [
      name          = "mongo"
      internal_port = 27107
      external_port = 27017

  custom_labels = local.labels

resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume_claim" "example" {
  metadata {
    name      = "mongo"
    namespace = kubernetes_namespace.cmprimg.metadata[0].name
    labels    = local.labels

  spec {
    access_modes = ["ReadWriteOnce"]
    resources {
      requests = {
        storage = "20Gi"
    storage_class_name = "linode-block-storage-retain"

resource "kubernetes_config_map" "mongodb_conf" {
  metadata {
    name      = "mongodb-confmap"
    namespace = kubernetes_namespace.cmprimg.metadata[0].name
    labels    = local.labels

  data = {
    "configfile" = yamlencode({
      storage : {
        dbPath : "/data/db",
      net : {
        port : 27017,
        bindIp : "",

I can exec into the mongodb pod and use mongo cli to connect using localhost, but when I'm in the same pod and use mongocli to connect using the domain name mongodb.default.svc.cluster.local:27017 I get connection refused. I can see in the logs that mongodb binds to but can't connect through external ports. Did I misconfigure the service or do something else wrong?


  • Take a closer look at this section:

    port_mapping = [
        name          = "mongo"
        internal_port = 27107
        external_port = 27017
    1. You use „internal” and „external” port numbers inconsistently across file (the internal here is 27107)
    2. Are you sure the syntax of this block is correct? In the reaserch I made through the Internet the portMappings section has usually different syntax (e.g.


    portMappings = [
          containerPort = var.container_port
          hostPort = var.container_port
          protocol = "tcp"