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Update two fields in same document in MongoDB, where one field is simple update, other field is append to existing array

A document in my MongoDB Collection has two fields which are

  1. lastLongLat - [123.45,11.34] GeoJSON Point format
  2. multipleLongLat - [[12,45],[78,89],[12,54]] GeoJSON MultiPoint format

An array newLongLat from Http Request is in this format : newLongLat = [78.486671,17.385044]; multipleLongLat already has array of arrays. I need to update two fields as :

  1. update lastLongLat to newLongLat
  2. append newLongLat to existing data in multipleLongLat array at the end.

Document can be filtered by {"productId" : productId}. I am using Mongoose framework with NodeJS. Please mention an efficient way to perform this operation simultaneously? Thanks in advance.


  • Simple $set in an aggregation pipeline. You can simply treat the coordinates field as an inner field of an object.

      "productId": "p1"
        $set: {
          "lastLongLat": {
            type: "Point",
            coordinates: [
          "multipleLongLat.coordinates": {
            "$concatArrays": [

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