I need to created dict which handle defferent settings, depends on device (this settings are covered with dicts). For example: S1 - settings1, S2 - settings2. Under Sx settigs i have definition about channels parameters and other things. Channels parameters here are also dicts.
Why i can't assign dict with different lenght. It is hard to explain that with words, but looking into below code it should be clear what i want to achive:
main = ['S1', 'S2']
my_dict = dict.fromkeys(main, {})
CHANNELS_S1 = {'CH1': {'Unit': 'A', 'RANGE': '0.2'},
'CH2': {'Unit': 'B', 'RANGE': '0.3'},
'CH3': {'Unit': 'C', 'RANGE': '0.4'}}
CHANNELS_S2 = {'CH1': {'Unit': 'X', 'RANGE': '.2'}}
my_dict['S1']['CHANNELS'] = CHANNELS_S1
my_dict['S2']['CHANNELS'] = CHANNELS_S2
after running this i receiving:
{'S1': {'CHANNELS': {'CH1': {'Unit': 'X', 'RANGE': '.2'}}},
'S2': {'CHANNELS': {'CH1': {'Unit': 'X', 'RANGE': '.2'}}}}
but i want to receive this:
{'S1': {'CHANNELS': {'CH1': {'Unit': 'A', 'RANGE': '0.2'},
'CH2: {'Unit': 'B', 'RANGE': '0.3'},
'CH3': {'Unit': 'C', 'RANGE': '0.4'}}},
'S2': {'CHANNELS': {'CH1': {'Unit': 'X', 'RANGE': '.2'}}}}
Your default dict is shared:
my_dict = dict.fromkeys(main, {})
>>> id(my_dict['S1'])
>>> id(my_dict['S2'])
So each time you modify one the other is modified because this is the same memory location.
You can use a dict comprehension:
my_dict = {x: {} for x in main}
my_dict['S1']['CHANNELS'] = CHANNELS_S1
my_dict['S2']['CHANNELS'] = CHANNELS_S2
>>> my_dict
{'S1': {'CHANNELS': {'CH1': {'Unit': 'A', 'RANGE': '0.2'},
'CH2': {'Unit': 'B', 'RANGE': '0.3'},
'CH3': {'Unit': 'C', 'RANGE': '0.4'}}},
'S2': {'CHANNELS': {'CH1': {'Unit': 'X', 'RANGE': '.2'}}}}
From the documentation
fromkeys() is a class method that returns a new dictionary. value defaults to None. All of the values refer to just a single instance, so it generally doesn’t make sense for value to be a mutable object such as an empty list. To get distinct values, use a dict comprehension instead.