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calculations with Time(HH:MM:SS) type of column in Hive

I have created a hive table with column avg_response_time having value time in HH:MM:SS. As it is not a timestamp so I have to put this column under the string datatype. Now I want to do some calculations.

Here is the table schema:

create table agent_performance
    S_No int,
    `Date` string,
    Agent string,
    Total_chats int,
    avg_response_time string,
    avg_resolution_time string,
    avg_rating float,
    Total_feedback int
    row format delimited
    fields terminated by ',';

I am adding the image of the dataset.This the how the dataset look like

I want to do some calculations:

  1. Total contribution hour for each and every agents weekly basis
  2. Average weekly response time for each agent


  • You can split the hour:min:seconds data based on delimitter :.

    And then use it to calculate total response time or resolution time.

    also use date_format(current_date(),'W') to calculate week number in a month.

    date_format(`date`,'W') week_no,
    sum((split(avg_resolution_time,':')[0]*3600 +split(avg_resolution_time,':')[1]*60+split(avg_resolution_time,':')[2] )/3600) total_weekly_contri_hrs,
    avg((split(avg_response_time ,':')[0]*3600 +split(avg_response_time ,':')[1]*60+split(avg_response_time ,':')[2] )/3600) Avg_weekly_response_time_hrs
    from agent_performance
    group by 