Please someone explain me why when we use dependency injection and initialize the object in the module the provides function return type is interface but in body function we return the actual object. This is example
fun providePrefsManager(@ApplicationContext context: Context): PrefsManager {
return PrefsManagerImpl(context)
Why here we return PrefsManager
instead of PrefsManagerImpl
Code to the interface, not the implementation. @Provides
methods provide according to their return values, so if you return PrefsManagerImpl, Dagger will only know how to inject PrefsManagerImpl. By returning PrefsManager, Dagger lets you inject PrefsManager directly, so the injecting class doesn't need to be aware of PrefsManagerImpl or any other implementation at all.
More specifically to dependency injection: The concept behind dependency injection is that, for the class you're writing, it's the caller or DI framework that controls which instance or implementation your class receives. This is an "inversion of control" compared to a self-contained class that maintains complete control of which classes or dependencies it uses.
As such, the class you're writing should be as general as possible when specifying its dependencies, which gives you flexibility about which implementations you can supply.
For example: If you need a sort algorithm, it would defeat the flexibility of dependency injection if you always asked specifically for a hypothetical MyBinarySortImpl; instead, you should make your request more general, such as injecting an interface like BinarySorter or Sorter (both also hypothetical). Your caller or dependency injection framework can still supply a MyBinarySortImpl, but by being as general as possible you also free your caller to supply a WellTestedNativeBinarySortImpl or a VeryFastRadixSortImpl. If your implementation needs to be a binary sort, you can specify that, and if it doesn't you can leave it general.
In your specific case, your @Provides
method provides a binding of PrefsManager; the implementation happens to be a PrefsManagerImpl. However, the class that consumes PrefsManager is asserting that it doesn't need anything specific to PrefsManagerImpl, it can work when it only uses the interface as described through PrefsManager. That injecting class can now be tested using a FakePrefsManager or a mocking-framework-created mock(PrefsManager)
, or even a wrapper you could write like LoggingPrefsManager(PrefsManagerImpl(context))
. By operating through interfaces rather than implementations, it keeps your options open.