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for in loop over list (with +=) coding beginner

a = [1,2,3]
for num in a:
  a = a + [num]


a = [1,2,3]
for num in a:
  a += [num]


The first code works as expected, so I assume the below code will work the same, but it didn't print anything. Not even a Error message.

Question: I did some research in stackoverflow on the use of +=, but still got confused on what's the difference between the add and iadd


  • In the first case, you are rebinding the name a to a new value, so the variable a before the loop is not the same object as the variable a inside and after the loop. The loop is able to iterate on the original value of a.

    But in the second case, you are not rebinding the name. a is the same object throughout the code. And so the loop iterates over a list that grows endlessly bigger.