I would like to know how I can identify a number as decimal or integer, I was already researching how to do it but I run into some problems when using it in an if else conditional, it gives me the following error:
Operator '==' cannot be applied to 'Float' and 'Int'.
When requesting the data from the user, I save it as Float and when placing it in the conditional it generates that error. Does anyone know how I can request a number and then check if it is integer or has decimal? By the way I am using kotlin
fun main(){
val number01 = readLine()!!.toFloat()
if (number01 % 1 == 0){ // A X + B = 0
println("Solution 1: $number01")
println("Solution 2: $number01")
I already looked on the internet how to know if it is an integer or if it is a number with decimal but when using it in a conditional it generates an error.
the output from number01%1
is Float and your using ==
to a Int
.To correct that you have to change your code into:
fun main(){
val number01 = readLine()!!.toFloat()
if (number01 % 1 == 0f){
println("Solution 1: $number01")
println("Solution 2: $number01")