I have a postgres database with a dictionaries
table containing a column called body
. This column has a text
datatype capable of holding strings of variable unlimited length. I am attempting to iterate through lines in a large input stream, and append these lines to this column in the most recently inserted row where the kind
column matches the specified arg.
I have attempted to achieve this with the following:
def append_dictionary(kind, line) do
from(d in Dictionary, where: d.kind == ^kind)
|> last()
|> update([d], set: [body: d.body + ^line])
|> Repo.update_all([])
but I receive the following error:
** (Ecto.QueryError) `update_all` allows only `with_cte`, `where` and `join` expressions.
I need to apply the update only to most recent row in dictionaries
where the kind
column matches the supplied arg. How can I achieve this?
Another important issue here is that the +
operator is not supported in an Ecto query. What should I use to concatenate in the update?
def append_dict(kind, line) do
q = from(dd in Dictionary, where: dd.kind == ^kind, order_by: [desc: dd.id], limit: 1)
d in Dictionary,
join: dd in subquery(q),
on: d.id == dd.id,
select: d
|> update([d], set: [body: fragment("? || ?", d.body, ^line)])
|> Repo.update_all([])