Hopefully this is the last of my questions related to this and this
The earlier questions were related to generating XML payload while this query is around generating JSON o/p in a specific format...
Thanks to @Harshank and @sudhish_s was able to make some progress with XML o/p. However I am not able to figure out how to go about json o/p
Here is the input payload ( have limited it to three rows / json objects but could be in thousands)
"gp": "S1",
"gp_eye_colour": "blue",
"gp_name" : "John",
"parent": "S1",
"parent_eye_colour" : "blue",
"parent_name" : "Sam",
"child": "C1",
"child_eye_colour" : "black",
"child_name" : "C1-name"
"gp": "S1",
"gp_eye_colour": "blue",
"gp_name" : "John",
"parent": "P1",
"parent_eye_colour" : "blue",
"parent_name" : "Don",
"child": "C1",
"child_eye_colour" : "brown",
"child_name" : "C1-name"
} ,
"gp": "S2",
"gp_eye_colour": "blue",
"gp_name" : "David",
"parent": "P2",
"parent_eye_colour" : "blue",
"parent_name" : "Martha",
"child": "C1",
"child_eye_colour" : "brown",
"child_name" : "C1-name"
Desired o/p is as below :
"S2_blue": {
"code": "S2",
"eyeColour": "blue",
"name": "David",
"hierarchy": [
"code": "P2",
"eyeColour": "blue",
"name": "Martha",
"hierarchy": [
"code": "C1",
"eyeColour": "brown",
"name": "C1-name",
"hierarchy": []
"S1_blue": {
"code": "S1",
"eyeColour": "blue",
"name": "John",
"hierarchy": [
"code": "P1",
"eyeColour": "blue",
"name": "Don",
"hierarchy": [
"code": "C1",
"eyeColour": "brown",
"name": "C1-name",
"hierarchy": []
"code": "C1",
"eyeColour": "black",
"name": "C1-name",
"hierarchy": []
Similar rules need to apply :
== parent
and gp_eye_colour
== parent_eye_colour
then skip parent and directly include child(ren)
( as an example parent Sam
is excluded since John
(gp) has the same value for gp
and eye_colour
is not exluded ( same rule as above )Using the solutions provided to the earlier asked questions - I came up with the following code:
%dw 2.0
output application/json
var hierarchy = ["gp", "parent", "child"]
fun getDirectGeanologies(records, level) = do {
var hLevel = hierarchy[level]
var xyz = if(level == 0)
(records groupBy ((item, index) -> item.gp ++ "_" ++ item.gp_eye_colour) )
else if(level == 1)
(records groupBy ((item, index) -> item.parent ++ "_" ++ item.parent_eye_colour))
(records groupBy ((item, index) -> item.child ++ "_" ++ item.child_eye_colour))
xyz mapObject ((children, code) ->
(code): {
code: children[0][hLevel],
eyeColour: children[0][hLevel ++ "_eye_colour"],
name: children[0][hLevel ++ "_name"],
if (level == sizeOf(hierarchy) - 1) [] // if level = 2 ( child stop recursion)
else do {
var nextLevel = level + 1
var nextGen = if(nextLevel == 1)(children groupBy ((item, index) -> item.parent ++ "_" ++ item.parent_eye_colour)) else (children groupBy ((item, index) -> item.child ++ "_" ++ item.child_eye_colour))
nextGen mapObject ((nextGenChildren, nextGenCode) ->
if (nextGenCode == code)
getDirectGeanologies (nextGenChildren, nextLevel + 1 ) // skip parent
getDirectGeanologies (nextGenChildren, nextLevel)
However it is not producing desired o/p :
"S1_blue": {
"code": "S1",
"eyeColour": "blue",
"name": "John",
"hierarchy": {
"C1_black": {
"code": "C1",
"eyeColour": "black",
"name": "C1-name",
"hierarchy": [
"P1_blue": {
"code": "P1",
"eyeColour": "blue",
"name": "Don",
"hierarchy": {
"C1_brown": {
"code": "C1",
"eyeColour": "brown",
"name": "C1-name",
"hierarchy": [
"S2_blue": {
"code": "S2",
"eyeColour": "blue",
"name": "David",
"hierarchy": {
"P2_blue": {
"code": "P2",
"eyeColour": "blue",
"name": "Martha",
"hierarchy": {
"C1_brown": {
"code": "C1",
"eyeColour": "brown",
"name": "C1-name",
"hierarchy": [
The issues here are :
inside gp
should be an array but I am getting a objecthierarchy
I am getting an object with key as parent/child and eye colour
( Ex : C1_black , P1_blue etc )So not really sure how to get this part and I am having a tough time to visualise the recursive behaviour Thanks in advance and once again really appreciate the help already provided by @Harshank and @sudhish_s
I have answered this in mulesoft help forum. LInk MuleSoft Help Forum link