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SSHD config: PermitUserEnvironment on a case-by-case basis

I have a git server where people set up remote repositories over ssh, and there's a git user that they all connect as which has secure permissions and whatnot.

I'm editing the pre-receive hook in a repo so that it sees if the environment variable, $GIT_USER, matches the list of allowed users for that repo to prevent unauthorized users from pushing.

This environment variable is set individually in the git user's .ssh/authorized_keys file.

However, I don't want environment variables to be set for ssh for any user besides git.

Is there any way to edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config such that PermitUserEnvironment is only enabled for the git user?


  • You can set "PermitUserEnvironment no" and at the bottom of sshd_config you can override settings on a per-user basis:

    Match User git
        PermitUserEnvironment yes

    That should accomplish what you want.