Is it possible to create a stream that detects changes on 3 different tables? For example, I have Table A which contains Ids for Table B and Table C. If I constructed my join query correctly. could I emit an event that contains Table A's id if there was a change in Table B or C?
Table A
Table B
Table C
I want a stream that will emit Table A id's if there is any changes in any of those 3 tables. Is this possible?
For example, if fields field_abc, foo, or bar were to change, I want Table A's id to be emitted to a stream.
I recently ran into a similar issue as what you're describing. Currently this isn't possible using streams or tables due to limitations on ksqlDB. We did find a way to achieve the same results though.
Our solution was to create a custom query with the connector that creates a 3-way joined table and combines the updated fields on the 3 tables.
'connector.class' = '${v_connector_class}',
'connection.url' = '${v_connection_url}',
'connection.user' = '${v_connection_user}',
'connection.password' = '${v_connection_pass}',
'topic.prefix' = 'jdbc_abc_change',
'mode' = 'timestamp+incrementing',
'numeric.mapping' = 'best_fit',
'' = 'id',
'' = 'last_modified',
'key' = 'id',
'key.converter' = '${v_converter_long}',
'query' = 'select id, last_modified from(select as id, GREATEST(a.last_modified, COALESCE(b.last_modified,from_unixtime(0)), COALESCE(c.last_modified,from_unixtime(0))) as last_modified from aaa a LEFT JOIN bbb b on a.fk_id = LEFT JOIN ccc c on a.fk_id = ) sub'
With this you're able to create any streams/tables you need off of it.