I am curious what techniques Database Developers and Architects use to create dynamic filter data response Stored Procedures (or Functions) for large-scale databases.
For example, let's take a database with millions of people in it, and we want to provide a stored procedure "get-person-list" which takes a JSON parameter. Within this JSON parameter, we can define filters such as $.filter.name.first, $.filter.name.last, $.filter.phone.number, $.filter.address.city, etc.
The frontend (web solution) allows the user to define one or more filters, so the front-end can say "Show me everyone with a First name of Ted and last name of Smith in San Diego."
The payload would look like this:
"filter": {
"name": {
"last": "smith",
"first": "ted"
"address": {
"city": "san diego"
Now, what would the best technique be to write a single stored procedure capable of handling numerous (dozens or more) filter settings (dynamically) and returning the proper result set all with the best optimization/speed?
Is it possible to do this with CTE, or are prepared statements based on IF/THEN logic (building out the SQL to be executed based on filter value) the best/only real method?
How do big companies with huge databases and thousands of users write their calls to return complex dynamic lists of data as quickly as possible?
Everything Bill wrote is true, and good advice.
I'll take it a little further. You're proposing building a search layer into your system, which is fine.
You're proposing an interface in which you pass a JSON object to code inside the DBMS.That's not fine. That code will either have a bunch of canned queries handling the various search scenarios, or will have a mess of string-handling code that reads JSON, puts together appropriate queries, then uses MySQL's PREPARE statement to run them. From my experience that is, with respect, a really bad idea.
Here's why:
The stored-procedure language has very weak string-handling support compared to host languages. No sprintf. No arrays of strings. No join or implode operators. Clunky regex, and not always present on every server. You're going to need string handling to build search queries.
Stored procedures are trickier to debug, test, deploy, and maintain than ordinary application code. That work requires special skills and special access.
You will need to maintain this code, especially if your system proves successful. You'll add requirements that will require expanding your search capabilities.
It's impossible (seriously, impossible) to know what your actual application usage patterns will be at scale. You surely will, as a consequence of growth, find usage patterns that surprise you. My point is that you can't design and build a search system and then forget about it. It will evolve along with your app.
To keep up with evolving usage patterns, you'll need to refactor some queries and add some indexes. You will be under pressure when you do that work: People will be complaining about performance. See points 1 and 2 above.
MySQL / MariaDB's stored procedures aren't compiled with an optimizing compiler, unlike Oracle and SQL Server's. So there's no compelling performance win.
So don't use a stored procedure for this. Please. Ask me how I know this sometime.
If you need a search module with a JSON interface, implement it in your favorite language (php, C#, nodejs, java, whatever). It will be easier to debug, test, deploy, and maintain.