Is it possible to combine * syntax with table abbreviations?
I want to do something like:
"SELECT subfunds.* FROM subfunds S" +
" INNER JOIN funds F ON S.id_fund =" +
" WHERE F.fund_short IN('" + stSQLFundList + "')"
The above code gets a syntax error
"invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "subfunds".
I already found that if I do
"SELECT * FROM subfunds S" +
" INNER JOIN funds F ON S.id_fund =" +
" WHERE F.fund_short IN('" + stSQLFundList + "')"
then I get all fields from both tables rather than from the subfunds table only.
So how do I get all fields from the first table (and none of the other tables' fields) in my answer set while also being able to use the single-letter table abbreviations?
Change your code to this and you will get all fields from subfunds.
"SELECT S.* FROM subfunds S" +
" INNER JOIN funds F ON S.id_fund =" +
" WHERE F.fund_short IN('" + stSQLFundList + "')"
If you are using an alias, then you want to reference that table by it's alias.