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openGL context in console

I'd like to use certain functions of openGL, but nothing related to rendering visual content. Is there way to create it without ANY dependencies (not to windows, nor some package[SDL, SFML, GLUT])? Only libraries allowed are those without external libraries, just like GLEW which I use.


  • What is the lightest cross-platform library that can staticaly link and can create context.

    How do you define "lightest?"

    The two cross-platform libraries that do the least other than creating OpenGL windows are FreeGLUT and GLFW.

    FreeGLUT has about a 5.2MB distribution (after unzipping), while GLFW has a 2.6MB distro. Does that make it "lighter"? FreeGLUT's compiled static library, in release mode under VS2008, is around 500KB; the one for GLFW under similar compilation is 120KB. Does that make it "lighter"?